Monday, March 29, 2010

Zzzzzzzz *I wanna sleep tight* zzzzzzzZ

It has been 3 consecutive days...

I did not have a good sleep. I would wake up in the middle of the night for a few times.

As a result, i could not have a deep sleep during night time and would feel tired during day time.

On average, i only slept for less than 6 hours per day this week.

Why why why???

I'm not sure why...

Could it be i am too stress?

But I did not feel stress.

Could it be i feel stress unconsciously?

I have no idea...

Or may be there are too much matters lingering in my mind that I'm trying to avoid thinking about them?

Arhhh! I don't know... Don't want to think about it.

Oh! I know one thing that is really bothering me now is I'm uncertain about my future.

I'm graduating in less than 2 months time.

What have i achieve?? I can't even answer myself.

What kind of job i want? Can i get a good job? Should i stay in KL?



Can i sleep soundly tonight???


  1. take some hot drinks or do some exercises or meditation b4 sleep might help tp get u away from insomnia.

  2. btw, prom is around the corner, don think tat u can save money for make up.. panda eyes is not the same as smokey eyes!! haha..take care la

  3. insomnia=panda = scary....
    u should come and ask a sleeping master such as me to avoid insomnia.... =p

  4. i dont want panda eyes @.@
    Sleep master, teach me how to avoid insomnia....
